Domestic Warehouse Purchase

Domestic Warehouse Purchase | Goal $250,000

GoServ Global delivers hope globally and part of that is handling small and large equipment for disaster relief, storing Safe T Home® units, and preparing to ship supplies, food, and equipment to our international places of ministry. Albert City has rented warehouse and office space to GoServ Global for several years, but we are out of room and need a larger space. Dennis Anderson, our Domestic Director, has proposed that we purchase and remodel a warehouse space for our needs. We recently prepared a shipping container with the final building supplies and medical supplies for the birthing center project in Liberia. The excavator, skid loaders, and other large equipment are stored among Safe T Home® units and other supplies. So many items in the space adds significant time when a specific project needs completed. One project took 3.5 hours after moving things out of the way to reach the necessary supplies. The proposed warehouse building will have both heated and cold storage; a heated shop and wash bay; a heated storage area for chain saws and tools, and an office. This would be a huge blessing for the Domestic ministry team and helps grow the vision of our Disaster Relief ministry. Dennis proposes adding a loading dock, men’s and women’s locker rooms, and an apartment for staff or interns. Please consider a year-end gift for the GoServ Global warehouse so we can continue to deliver hope globally!

GoServ Global is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charity. All contributions designated for specific projects shall be applied to those projects. Occasionally, we receive more contributions for a given project than can be wisely applied to that project. When that happens, we use these funds to meet a similar pressing need.